April 8, 2009

Single and dead mothers

It's the controversy that will not die, for better or for worse: "Notre Dame is regarded as an academic powerhouse and conservative Catholic bastion..." I'm honestly surprised that the controversy has had the legs that it has.

With a tip of the hat to April 6's "Best of the Web Today" from The Wall Street Journal: "Ludwig Minelli described suicide as a “marvellous opportunity” that should not be restricted to the terminally ill or people with severe disabilities." Commentary:
  • "Except for the method of death, this is indistinguishable from suttee, the Hindu practice of widow-burning. Suttee is very rare today, thanks in part to laws enacted by both the British Raj and the government of modern India. But here we see a new form of it arising in Europe under the guise of progressive ideas about the "right to die." It is an example of how moral relativism can lead to absolute barbarism."
Lastly, the CDC just came out with statistics about the rate of births to unwed mothers - 38.5 percent. Basically, 2 out of every 5 children being born today are born to single mothers. Point for debate: This is good for society/no. Discuss.

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