"For all of his hopes about bipartisanship, Barack Obama has the most polarized early job approval ratings of any president in the past four decades." Pew says 61 point-differential. Now, I am going to be the first (well, probably not, but proverbially) to blame this on El Rusho, et al., but I think it does speak to the fact that extremism is no longer the province of one persuasion or the other. I think that both sides are guilty in the same the way that both sides are guilty for cramming as much stuff down as they can and incurring it upon themselves (see: Patriot Act, ARRA.)
From Harvey Mansfield, via AEI:
- "What has happened in the last few months should give them pause. It should make them consider the necessity of looking at economics from the outside, at how it looks and behaves as a whole...Virtue is a habit, not a calculation. It reflects the fact that human beings live in an overall way of life, in diverse ways of life; it is not possible for us, or most of us, to live perfectly flexibly, always ready to calculate anew in fresh circumstances what it is in our interest to do. Thus the ideal of calculated self-interest posited by economics is not a human possibility. We will get in the habit of being spenders or savers and will not be able to turn on a dime, changing our behavior when our interest changes."
This blog post is excellent. The writer should be promoted and given a wreath of honor, the keys to the city, and a bowl of Macaroni and Cheese.
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