April 22, 2009

A link purge (in honor of Stalin's Birthday)

This will (hopefully) be the only time I ever link to a Playboy article, but I couldn't see this on Yahoo! News without finding (to my great relief) that ND did not make this prestigious list (I do note, however, that WSU and UCSB are both included)

The Economic Crisis in a (humorous) nutshell:

If this story doesn't tug at your heartstrings a little, well, not sure what to tell you. "Last August a 26-year-old dancer named Liu Yan was supposed to give the performance of her life at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics."

I skimmed the much-hyped article about the "Death of Christian America" in Newsweek, and didn't find it particularly insightful, but I will (possibly) get back to it at some point.

A couple weeks ago, Father Dailey mentioned this great quote from Pope Benedict during his homily Nationals Stadium last year: "[The challenges of today] call for cultivating a mindset, an intellectual "culture", which is genuinely Catholic, confident in the profound harmony of faith and reason, and prepared to bring the richness of faith's vision to bear on the urgent issues which affect the future of American society...Those who have hope must live different lives!" No, that's not directed at anyone...

Speaking of Catholicism, it's nice to know that the enlightened progressives among us find a use for the Church every now and then...I have to say, the 65-47 Catholic/Protestant split really surprised me.

Lastly, "We can’t say that use of Facebook leads to lower grades and less studying – but we did find a relationship there." Granted, I don't know what the repubalbility of "Science Daily" is, and correlation does not prove causation by any means, it's still gives one a little pause.

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