April 23, 2009

Finding consumer equillibrium for babies?

Some people don't have enough: "Dr Zavos said yesterday that this was just the "first chapter" in his ongoing and serious attempts at producing a baby cloned from the skin cells of its "parent"...Little Cady died aged 10 in a car crash in the US. Her blood cells were frozen and sent to Dr Zavos, who fused them with cow eggs to create cloned human-animal hybrid embryos." Some people have too many: "The pregnancy was unexpected, and for one 32-year-old single mother in Syracuse, New York, the ailing economy became a factor in her decision to have an abortion." (funny story: the first time I saw that article, there was a picture of an ultrasound attached...It's gone now...)

On a lighter note, this type of thing is one more reason why I so enjoy baseball...What nerds. But how cool :) And there's nothing like thrift in government to inspire the citizenry. Obama has pledged to cut $100 million from his $3.4 billion budget. The one and only Greg Mankiw puts in perspective:
  • "[I]magine that the head of a household with annual spending of $100,000 called everyone in the family together to deal with a $34,000 budget shortfall. How much would he or she announce that spending had to be cut? By $3 over the course of the year--approximately the cost of one latte at Starbucks. The other $33,997? We can put that on the family credit card and worry about it next year."
But have no fear, says Roger Simon: "In the future, because of Janet Napolitano, may her name forever be praised, our executive branch will buy its office supplies in bulk."

Lastly, this article was handed out by our "development" (read: fund-raising) crew today...Read it. It gets a little creepy: "See if you can adopt the same breathing pattern as your prospect. In doing so, it is helpful to observe the rise and fall of your prospect's chest or shoulders for cues. Of course, use your peripheral vision to do this so you are always maintaining eye contact. Synchronized breathing between you and your prospect is such a subtle thing, yet people really pick up on it." Creeped out right about now.

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